Sunday, January 19, 2020

������ Feminine Skills To Cultivate

Recently during a casual conversation with a woman I recently met, I mentioned that I was doing some sewing at home and looking for some fabric for curtains. I like to quilt, craft and sew much of my own household decorations.  She told me that she had taken several years of sewing classes in high school but couldn't sew. She asked if I would mind doing some mending for her. I said I would.

The mending, for me anyway, was pretty basic, needle and thread sewing, such as sewing on a button, fixing a hole in a blanket and sewing closed a seam or two on a shirt.

My concern here and the reason I wanted to share this video is, this woman took several years of sewing classes and is unable to mend some articles for her home. Perhaps she didn't pay attention in school. I am not sure the reason. She is a pretty smart and hard working person, so I am not sure why she can't sew. Perhaps she doesn't remember how but I can't help but wonder if it isn't more of an, "I don't want to sew because that is too domestic" attitude.  I ran into a similar attitude once when asking women to bake pies for bake sale our church was having. A couple of "I don't bake pies" firmly came my way.

Today it is very easy to learn many things on your own. There are books, and classes to take at shops and youtube videos galore that one can learn skills and this includes how to sew and mend.

So, the problem and the question is, do women want to do these things? I will say probably for the most part, many women would say no but there are those women, usually traditional type women, who would be all the willing to learn how to sew and mend for those in their home and that is what they do, out of love.

As the video from TradCatFem above indicates, there are skills all women need to cultive, sewing and mending should absolutely be one.

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