Wednesday, December 5, 2012

21 She shall not fear for her house in the cold of snow: for all her domestics are clothed with double garments. Proverbs 31:21

Okay, so the other day my son came out of the laundry room after looking for a shirt or other article of clothing and stated, "our laundry room is like the Bermuda Triangle. Clothing goes in but it never comes out." Now considering we all have clean clothes to  wear every day and I do work at laundry every day, I do think that was a bit of an exaggeration but I found it humorous because I probably feel that way sometimes also.

My first priority in my life is my family. I am a homemaker most every day but I do also work occasionally as a fill in nurse at a doctor's office. It is supposed to be a couple of days a month job but every now and again the requests to come in and work get a little more than what I want. No more than several days a month is what my husband and I had decided on.  Home comes first.

There are only three of us but we do go through the clothing. I know larger families go through much nore but at times the laundry is just very overwhelming.  My son is a teenager now and is a little bit more careful and discerning of the clothes he wears, so I think we go through a few more clothing articles than maybe necessary but having been a teen myself once I understand and as he has gotten older and showers now daily that also ads to the laundry. My husband and I go through our fair share. So, it can pile up, even though there are times when we will wear something two days in a row because it just didn't get dirty.

There is one thing I have  learned through picking up these days at the doctor's office, is, it must be very hard for full time working women and I am blessed to be able to stay home the majority of the time and when called I have the choice to say yes or no if I want to or even can work. That gives me the opportunity to put home first. Not that working women don't put home first, because many do.

As far as the Proverbs 31 woman, I am a far cry from her. She is my ideal but many times I fall ever so short from that.  I can try and I can work toward her as a goal. 

I believe most versions of the scriptures quote Proverbs 31:21 as "clothed in scarlet," compared to the Douay Rheims which says, "clothed in double."  Either way it is read, the Proverbs 31 woman makes sure her family is clothed well. Whether it be plenty of clothing or expensive clothing. I realize that may be hard for some, especially in today's economy but even if our clothing is not expensive and we run low on some clothing, it is still my responsibility as a wife and mother to ensure my family has clean clothes. Oh, I tell my self that every day... 

because sometimes that can be a hard job to accomplish. As I am sure you are, I am busy and I have to tell you,  many times I get busy doing other things and sometimes forget about the laundry. Then I am like, "oh no, I have to get a load going."

Just get it done. Just work on it. That is what I tell myself. It doesn't have to be perfect. I am the only woman here so if things are not folded perfectly in a drawer or perfectly matched the guys don't mind. They just want their favorite shirts and jeans and socks clean and ready to wear.

And I know it could be harder. At least I have a washer and a dryer. 

Just press on, as Our Lady did.


1 comment:

  1. I'm a big believer in teens running the washing machine!

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